Monday, April 26, 2010

Memorials on PA Rt. 61 or Are They?

Morgan found this marker along PA Rt. 61 and noticed that someone had turned it into a type of memorial. Was some unknown soldier buried here?

And then he noticed this marker, without the flags. So we decided to add flags and a small wreath - just in case. It was difficult since it was on top of a slope right along the road and there was a very dead and decaying raccoon right below it. But us two seniors were able to hobble up the slope and place our small memorials to whomever or whatever...or could it be a wherever...

Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Ubiquitous and Necessary Cat Pictures

Heather's Ernie and Figaro

Heather's Chicken

Heather wanted a milk glass nesting chicken like the one she remembered from her childhood. Morgan found one at a flea market and drove it up to me the day before I flew to Seattle. Heather, of course, was thrilled.

Into the Woods

Pictures of one of Morgan's cabins and some of his woods. I guess I'm still under some of my parents' influence. I loved the area and loved being there with Morgan.

Friday, April 23, 2010

An Open Letter to My Writing Groups

My dear friends:

I know we need board members, in both organizations. And you know I have just enough residual guilt to maybe, just maybe volunteer for one of those positions. But I'm fighting against that guilt for the following reasons:

1. Since 1995 I've served in every board position (except treasurer - a wise decision) in two writers groups. I've also worked on conferences, workshops, publicity, contests and other various areas.
2. I have a very intense job that causes me to travel across the state and the schedule for that travel is not always my own.
3. Selfish reasons: I am getting older and I want to concentrate the time I have outside my job on my family and friends, my gentleman and my writing.

I will support both groups in many other ways, but a board position is not in my future. Besides, it's time for young - and I mean that in all definitions - blood. I'm definitely old blood.

And I'm writing this from a hotel in Pittsburgh area...with a 5-6 hour drive ahead of me. Old blood and very, very tired...

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Hump Day

I am so looking forward to the weekend. I'll be staying in a rented house by a lake in the Poconos with other writers - very little cell phone connection - no Internet. I will write, write, write and read.

I may even nap. I will probably nap - I use sleep as a way to rejuvenate my ideas.

This is just what I need - an escape from long term care, from being a nurse, from being someone who has all the answers (or who should have all the answers). I just want to be around people who understand "the fire in the belly", the "need" to write - one of the reasons for this blog. Sometimes I just have to see my thoughts, ideas, dreams, rants as written words.

I just need to figure out how to change a "bad" boy into a loving one...
Maybe I'll nap on it.

Wednesday, April 07, 2010


Only four days with Heather and not enough time for me but more than enough for her, I'm sure. We both need to be back in our routines - we both love our own lives and our own routines but we love each other, so the best thing would be to live closer - not 3000 miles away. But I accept her decision; it has helped her grow and given me a lovely place to visit.

Will I retire to the Pacific Northwest? Probably not. Would Heather take me? Yep - like yesterday -if there was a "public option" - but that's a blog for another day. Morgan has come into my life with "both barrels" - appropriate metaphor for Morgan - and I am content, happy and well-loved - maybe for the first time in my life. That leaves Heather with the ability to live her own life without the worry of her aging mother - for now.

And I must...must...change how I view my job. It is only a means to a paycheck and only for about another 30 months. I am a writer. I've been a writer for the last 50 years and I will be a writer until I die. In fact, I've already written my own obituary - all writers should write their last article and not leave it to another.

I am a nurse only for 8 hours a day and just because I'm good at it (as I would be good at bagging groceries if that was my job), does not mean it is my LIFE, especially since I NEVER wanted to be a nurse from the beginning. Therefore I'm working on this lesson: what happens at work, stays at work and it's just not that important.

Heather is important.
Morgan is important.
Pattie and her family are important.
Rich is important.
Olivia and Josh are important.
My friends are important.
My writing is important.
I am important.

I am better than the job I go to daily. Therefore, I will learn not to allow it to define me.