Saturday, November 28, 2009

NaNo's Over for Me!

Now I just have to finish the book. I have 50 K of what will probably be a 70 K book and then there are major revisions that will have to be done. But at least I'm on my way!

Now on to "Under the Dome"!!!!!

National Novel Writing Month... November and I've been writing my chubby little fingers to the bone.

Three days left and I'm at 44K. I want to get to 50K today - which may not be the end of the book.
You see, I have another book waiting for me - not one in my head - one sitting on the chest that serves as my coffee table and too-be-read-stack holder. It's 1000+ pages: Under the Dome - King's new tome.

My book? It's tentatively title Prophecy. It's about a woman, Kate Riley, who has been reincarnated for centuries, a Wise Woman who holds the secrets of the Old Ways but who, in this life, doesn't know it -- yet. Soon she has to realize that she is one of the many women throughout the world who were chosen hundreds of years ago -- women chosen to live many lives until the time comes when the human race no longer has it's technology and needs to return to the Old Ways. That time is soon coming - 12-21-12. Kate is a scientist and doesn't believe in ancient prophecies and Patrick Brendan, the man who's followed her and protected her throughout all her lifetimes, has to show Kate her destiny. But Patrick is hiding his own secret. He is a werewolf, the way he's been able to guard Kate for hundreds of years. Will Patrick divulge his secret to make Kate believe in her destiny? And would Kate be able to love him, knowing what he is?

Also posted on

Friday, November 27, 2009

My New Great Nephew

Logan Anthony Giordani - parents: Tony and Alyssa

Monday, November 16, 2009

Going Back to England

I'm planning a trip to England next year. I've been wanting to go back for the last five years (since my last trip) but life intruded. And I need something to put the memories of that trip further behind me.

This would be an educational trip - with lectures from people who are experts on the Arthurian legend - one of them is Geoffrey Ashe. I've read and reread many of his books and meeting him (and learning from him) would be better than meeting...Paul McCartney.

I need this trip for many reasons:
I need to something for me and only me.
I need something that's NOT work or nursing or health care.
I need to jump start the revisions on my Arthurian legend book.
I need to return to England - I always feel as if I'm coming home when the plane lands - on my first trip I cried as we landed at Heathrow.

So now that I'm feeling better and my blood pressure seems to be under control, I'm planning things that will continue to do just that - and are all for ME.