Friday, March 30, 2007

Tony's Boss

I know, I know - it's becoming an obsession - but leave me to it. At least his picture is not hanging next to John Lennon's in my foyer. I can still tell the difference between reality and fantasy - well, sometimes.
But I digress...
At the PADONA conference yesterday, I decided to go through all the exhibitor booths and get some appetitzers at the "gala" - in the beautiful fountain room of the Hotel Hershey -before scooting back to the Hampton Inn - my back was bothering me and I wanted to rest.
I digress again...
Anyway, with limited seating and holding club soda in one hand (I was driving) and a plate of goodies in the other, I looked for a place to sit my ample butt. I found an empty chair next to several guys - exhibitors for a distribution company - and extracted a promise that they would not be trying to sell me anything.
Wow - lot's of digression this morning.
In the course of the conversation, I looked at the gentleman sitting across from me and said, "You remind me of Tony Soprano." I thought the other two guys would choke. He smiled and said, "Jim worked for me as a bartender when I owned a restaurant in the 1980's. I even bailed him out of a few problems."
One degree of separation. And then we started to chat about other things - what was happening in his life. Let's just say he's a strong, caring man with a lot on his plate and he loves his wife very much. I was immediately reminded of Rich, but I didn't share. It was his story - his and his wife's.
When I finally left, I shook his hand and told him I was keeping him and his family in my thoughts and then said, "Next year, I expect you to have that autograph for me." I made him smile.
One degree of separation.


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