Wednesday, July 21, 2010

If not now, when...

My father told me never to volunteer - he'd been in the army.
I never listened to Pop.
I've done volunteer work for most of my adult life.
From the Cancer Society to the Heart Association to animal shelters to writers groups.
My volunteer spirit ended when I ended up in a hospital bed with accelerated hypertension, caused by a blocked renal artery and a work load that keeps on growing.
I can't stop working, so I limit what I do outside of work.
Spending time for me, spending time with Morgan, all decreases my stress.
I may go back to volunteering when I retire but until then, I'm volunteering for Mitzi.
"If not now, when?"
If I don't take care of me now, there may be no later.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yup, one of the hardest things to learn is to treat yourself with the same compassion you treat others. I do "passive" volunteering...I crochet blankets for Project Linus, I give blood, I donated my hair to Locks of Love. I might not be changing the world, but at least I know I'm keeping some kid warm somewhere. Every little bit helps.
-Mary Ellen VB

1:25 PM  
Blogger Mitzi said...

M E:
I love the idea of Project Linus. I know about the Snuggles Project (I have to make sure of the name) - similar idea but for shelter animals. I think I'll do that this winter.
Another thought: If you're exhausted, sick (or dead), you can't help anyone else....

7:07 AM  

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