Friday, December 02, 2005

Negativity and PowWowing

We all know about negativity and I seem to have a lot of it lately. I'll get to how I'm working on that in a minute.

Powwowing is a very old form of 17th/18th Century spirituality practiced by the immigrant "Pennsylvania Dutch" (who were actually Germans). Powwowing, which combined old world beliefs and Indian ways, was routinely followed in my hometown of Easton, PA. In fact nearby Williams Township is home to Hexenkopf Hill - Witch's Head Hill - associated with many powwow practitioners.

The early German settlers believed that illnesses (physical and mental) could be caused by "bad" spirits in the afflicted's body. The powwower would, through various rituals, cast those spirits out of the victim and into an inanimate object - such as a chair. In Williams Township, the hill that was to be later called Witch's Head was often used.

So what does that have to do with negativity?

I know people who are negative - who cast their "spirits" outward - directing that negativity to others, causing dissonance around them.

I seem to cast mine internally, causing the same dissonance inside.
I think I will find a hill. And if a hill is not available I will return to renewing a belief in myself


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