"Nev-er Smile at a Croc-odile..."
Or All-i-gator either for that matter.
Three people have been killed in Florida this week by alligators. Three in one week.
Sure it's the alligators' busy season. They're very active, what with getting over Spring Break and mating and all. But three - in one week??? Come on! Isn't anybody out there, like a herpetologist (or whatever scientist studies 'gators) concerned?
I'm a firm believer in the Gaia Theory - the earth is itself an organism. When an organism is threatened, it does whatever it can to shake off the threat.
Humans are a threat to the natural environment - more so now than ever before. Now, I'm not saying that the alligators got some kind of psychic message from the polar bears who told them to start gang-murdering humans. At least, I don't think so. But can anyone look at the drastic changes in the weather:tornadoes everywhere lately, not to mention last year's hurricanes and deluges in the Northeast; the imminent demise of Arctic creatures, the "invasion" of coyotes and bears into the suburbs and not wonder if something is going on that is beyond human control.
Maybe a higher power is trying to tell us, "Enough is enough."
Maybe we should listen.
But in the mean time - stay away from cocs and 'gators.
They do NOT seem to be happy with us.
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