Sunday, May 14, 2006

Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid

Read this article about the evangelical Christian right youth movement. It teaches that Jesus wants His followers to use violence against those who would "destroy" their rights. By "their rights" they mean their right to have everyone believe what they believe - Christianity and only THEIR take on Christianity.

Tell me how this is different from fanatical Islam?

I'm Wiccan (the picture on this site's banner is not really a joke - I am a witch).
A devout Catholic friend once told me that I was more "Christian" than most of the professed Christians she knew.

It's not hard to be "Christian" - I firmly believe that Jesus was a great teacher sent to earth by a supreme being.

But here's where evangelical Christians and I differ - drastically.

I believe in his teachings, all of them expressed in all of the world's religions. I can wear a cross with my pentacle and get comfort in both. I believe that the gods and goddesses of my religion are the many faces of one supreme being. I believe that animals have the purest souls. I believe that we must protect the earth. I light a candle at Padre Pio's shrine and then thank the Goddess for the beauty of the land around me. I have a St. Michael's rosary on my desk at work. I have the White Buffalo on my night stand and dedicated myself to White Buffalo Calf Women at Imbolc.

I believe there are many paths to one source. I believe that I can walk the path of my choice at the time I chose. That is my right and I will not relinquish that right.

Jesus taught that the Meek Will Inherit the Earth.
Jesus taught to turn the other cheek and to love your enemy.
Were those false teachings?
This evangelical Christian right youth group seems to think so.

As for me, I shall follow the Wiccan teaching:
"And as you harm none, do what you will."

I'm a good witch, a good Christian, a good shaman, a good woman.


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