Monday, December 06, 2004

Getting into the Spirit

Why I wasn't in the mood for Christmas this year.

1. This will be the first one in thirty four years without my daughter (who was my Christmas present on December 10, 1970) because she moved to Seattle and is looking for a job there.
2. I will also be missing a gentleman who was with me last Christmas (and for three previous Christmases) - we broke up two months ago.
3. Money is tight (see #1).
4. Work is difficult - my department was "downsized" when one of my Regional Nurses (and good friend) resigned and wasn't replaced. Of course, we still have the same amount of work to do.
5. Work is difficult - our nursing homes will soon be under Department of Health Surveys, there is a huge shortage of nurses causing us to use agency just to care for our residents, reimbursement from the government is always a problem and occurs after the fact.

How I got myself in the mood for Christmas:

1. Counted my many blessings starting with the fact that Heather is in Seattle and not Iraq.
2. Further blessings included wonderful friends who don't mind if I give them a Mitzi-thing, something from one of my many collections of books, music, jewelry, instead of buying a present.
3. Even more blessings includes my sister and her family who love me no matter how I look, feel, act.
4. Additional blessings are my sweet cats who love me no matter how I look, feel, act - as long as their dishes are full
5. I have a job that gives me some autonomy and benefits - especially benefits

Then I turned my car radio to the station that plays all Christmas music. This weekend I got out all my Christmas decorations. I decorated inside and out. I put up my little tree. I listened to Dean Martin sing Christmas carols while I worked. I bought exchange presents for the company Christmas party this week. I spent some time with a good friend.

And I remembered the real message of this time of year:
Peace on Earth and Goodwill to All


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