Monday, November 22, 2004


A fight erupts between spectators and fans at an NBA game, an American soldier shoots and kills an unarmed and wounded Iraqi, a hunter shoots other hunters over a deer blind, wounding three and killing five.

We are the country that was settled violently, gained our independence violently. We watch it on the news, in the movies, on TV. It's all a game.

Is it any wonder why the Texas school decided to go with camouflage outfits instead of the traditional cross-dressing day? So all the big guys in kilts tossing cabers are gay? Right? Afraid that wearing a skirt may make a boy homosexual, they have no qualms about the same boy wearing "camo."

Wadda country.


Blogger Unknown said...

I agree mostly. The thing about the Marine shooting the "unarmed" person was that they had battled that position for over a day and shooting kept coming out. When they finally went in the guy was laying on the ground looking dead. A few days earlier that same group of Marines tried to move a body that was booby trapped and exploded. The insurgents have also been known for surrendering and then opening fire and acting wounded and then setting off an explosive. This is a war, not police men making an arrest. If it were me I'd probably do the same. From friends and family that have explained what it feels like and the situational stress. You do not have the luxury of thinking it over and making the best decision, just the right one that keeps you alive and uninjured.

As for the camo / cross dress, you are absolutely right. The deer hunting thing, were they drinking?
I like your blog, good luck.

9:20 AM  

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