Tuesday, October 12, 2004

A Gratitude Attitude

I've been reading Dyer's "You'll See It When You Believe It" and Wallace Wattles' (yes, that's his real name) "The Science of Getting Rich." The first one was originally published in 1989 and the second one . . . well, Wattles published his small but impressive book almost 80 years before Dr. Dyer's. Similar ideas - but generations apart.

Both books talk about belief - believing in what you want and then having faith that the "universe" will provide. I know it's a difficult concept in this world of "show me." The theory (or maybe it's more truth than theory) is that if you focus on what you want, make that "want" a very specific and clearly defined image in your mind, your actions will follow your thoughts and you will manifest your desires. This is interesting to me because it closely follows the rules of magik used by modern witches.

However, both books also introduced me to a relatively new idea: gratitude. Expressing it daily and often helps to move you towards your dreams. Giving thanks is not a new thing; what is new is doing it often, even silently. I've been doing this more lately - even before reading these books. I thank Goddess after my meditation or journey. I go out early in the morning to look at the morning star and thank the universe/God/Goddess for the new day.

I've labeled this A Gratitude Attitude. This attitude takes the "positive attitude" just one step further. Being thankful for the people and things around you - people and things that you may usually take for granted.

A Gratitude Attitude.

I'm grateful for the time I did have with Mark. See, that wasn't hard.
I'm grateful for my family, my friends, my little apartment and my four-footed family.

A Gratitude Attitude.

Okay, I've started to make that a part of my life. Now all I have to do is get a clear picture of that little cottage in the woods. Cotswolds? At the foot of the Mendip Hills? Outside Glastonbury?

I need to work on it a little bit more.

But thanks for all the help. ;-)


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