Monday, August 07, 2006

What people won't do.... be in Congress.
Florida's (and they can have her) Katherine Harris and "friend."
Maybe the PETA people should see this picture - or maybe I should just email it to my 'possum pals. Maybe a pissy 'possum named Chad.


Blogger fly navy said...

Of course since she's Cruella de Ville....she's the only one to get an unflattering pic in the MSM. All of the FLA Pols were at the festival, including Dem US Senator Bill Nelson. What they fail to tell you is that all of them bid on possums, each won, then they were let loose in the wild. PETA can rest easy.

10:05 PM  
Blogger Mitzi said...

There's a quote from a poem and since it's not at my fingertips, I can't quote it completely but it states something that nobility extends to all creatures.....even Katherine Harris....

BIAS showing - again!

3:57 PM  

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